A la gente que tenemos el cabello rizado e incluso las que no lo tienen tanto siempre se nos ha podido pasar por la cabeza hacernos un "alisado total" del cabello. Lo normal es el uso de planchas que dejan el pelo mejor o peor pero no os habeís preguntado nunca cómo es que las japonesas tienen el pelo tan sumamente liso.....
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For girls who have the curled and enclosed hair, including who do not have it so much, always we could think about a "extremenly smooth" of hair. We can use plates that do a better o worse hair but, never before asking you how japanes girls get an extremenly smooth hair?......
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Aquí la respuesta a esa pregunta:
For girls who have the curled and enclosed hair, including who do not have it so much, always we could think about a "extremenly smooth" of hair. We can use plates that do a better o worse hair but, never before asking you how japanes girls get an extremenly smooth hair?......
Here the answer:
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